
Help Using This Website

KNF Support is a Question and Answer Platform.

It differs from a discussion thread, such as Facebook, in the way answers are displayed. Instead of displaying the answers in chronological order, the best answer will float to the top. Answers can be voted upon for helpfulness to help reorder the answers.

To have a discussion, each answer can be commented on, and this will be chronological and more suited to having a discussion to refine or comment on the answer.

Origins of KNF Support

The KNF Wizards have gathered to support the masses as they adopt and explore KNF.

This project was born out of the need to respectfully work together to spread KNF around the globe.

May it grow to support teachers, students, masters, practitioners, skeptics, and the whole KNF community.

Long live the natural farmer!

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By using this site you agree to our Terms and Privacy Policy.

ยฉ 2018 Natural Farming Hawaii