so where I’m from ganoderma is pretty much a death sentence for palms. My family’s been in landscaping and trees (traditional ag) for a while and as far as they know there is not really a solution once infected. It rots the inside of the tree it is also known as hurt rot or white rot. It can kill pretty much any palm tree slowly but with ease.
One benefit is i learned that the fruiting body is reishi which is great cuz now we have a few kilos of those.
However i thought maybe there was a way to fight it with some JMS, IMO3/4/liquid, maybe some trichoderma heavy IMO. Maybe LAB or something could put compete it. I’ve been applying OHN but i think it’s to late for that ( may be wrong)
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated
much love 🙂
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Not sure if this is how i reply to you @dagoofman So I’ve lived here my whole life and am very familiar with it as far as the UF extension office or pretty much any tree service goes it’s a death sentence, and the typical treatment is to dig a 20’x2’ hole in the ground to hopefully stop it from comming back. I was hoping there was some kinda natural treatment that could make other microbes thrive to the point that the ganoderma wouldn’t take over that tree or any more. Like i said by all traditional means i am extremely familiar with ganoderma and what it means so was hoping there was an alternative route. Getting ready to apply some imo4 to it and was thinking a heavy dose of LAB couldn’t hurt trying to out compete it
With ganoderma there are 0 fungicides that are able to help, by all traditional means it is uncureable and you can never have a plam tree for long in that spot.
It spreads easily because if you trim or cut a tree with it and then use those same tools it will likely give it to any other palm as it is extremely contagious
- tyztree asked 3 years ago
- last edited 3 years ago
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grew up in FL so iv seen a lot of this shelf mushroom on palms and once it gets in the tree it eats the heart of the tree if u r seeing mushrooms its to late the tree is dead in 3-5 yrs its gonna fall so if its close to your home or anything where its a risk when it falls its best to remove it sooner then later on the plus side the farmers used to love the palm stumps and would leave a couple ft or so of stump and build garden plots around them -use the gifts nature gives to u-
now if u r trying to save other trees around that one that might not be infected yet i would suggest using a natural soil fungicide like (bacillus amyloliquefaciens) a bacteria to get rid of the fungus in the soil then bring in collected IMOs from a trusted place to re introduce better fungus i only say to try the bacillus first other then bringing in just IMOs is that that shelf fungus is so proliferate in the soil that it might out compete the IMOs u bring in and not rid u of the problem fast enough to save the other trees
happy experimenting
- dagoofman answered 3 years ago
- Not sure if this is how i reply to you @dagoofman So I’ve lived here my whole life and am very familiar with it as far as the UF extension office or pretty much any tree service goes it’s a death sentence, and the typical treatment is to dig a 20’x2’ hole in the ground to hopefully stop it from comming back. I was hoping there was some kinda natural treatment that could make other microbes thrive to the point that the ganoderma wouldn’t take over that tree or any more. Like i said by all traditional means i am extremely familiar with ganoderma and what it means so was hoping there was an alternative route. Getting ready to apply some imo4 to it and was thinking a heavy dose of LAB couldn’t hurt trying to out compete it
- With ganoderma there are 0 fungicides that are able to help, by all traditional means it is uncureable and you can never have a plam tree for long in that spot. It spreads easily because if you trim or cut a tree with it and then use those same tools it will likely give it to any other palm as it is extremely contagious
- did not know it was that bad to deal with the landscaper i lived with would cut the tree and spray BA just soak the soil with it to deal with shelf fungus if no standard will deal with it then ya the LABs and IMO4 and time is the best thing that can be done could also try JMS added in the mix the deep microbes from JMS cant hurt and the prebiotic usage to feed the IMOs to help them compete good luck and happy experimenting
- We just purchased over 9 acres of a previous Sylvester palm tree farm with mounds and mounds of logs from trees that their heads had fallen off of. Is it okay to use these for something for farming? Should I be concerned with planting anything else there?
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