Seaweed FPJ


I made some FPJ using seaweed but after 2 months being stored I notice a thing layer of β€œmold” I removed it and it doesn’t smells bad. should I do something else with it? Also I stabilize some LAB and I didn’t put a tight seal lid and it looks like the top it’s getti ticker and different color than the bottom. Can I use it or is it bad?

  • drake
    looks like you can move the lab question to a new question so that way it is clear. :)
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Layers of mold can grow on top of KNF Food made by fermenting plant material and sometimes if they are not super saturated with sugar after the extraction of juice, they will continue to ferment and may grow a mold on top.

This is a sign that the solution is not stable and is slowly degrading. To stop it from degrading and fully arrest fermentation, equal volumes of brown sugar should be added to super saturate the solution. Every water molecule will be bound with a sugar molecule and thus when microbes go to metabolize the solution, they are retarded by the sugar and eventually become inactive.


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