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Context:Β  KNF Podcast LIVE – 9 February, 2025 @ 48:36 “In Hawaii, in hot weather, ins...
  • allonesame asked 1 month ago
  • last active 1 month ago
2 votes

Sorghum-sudangrass is a great cover crop and chop n drop for gardens its a winter kill cover crop so it easy to terminate, grows fast, digs deep and provides lots of sugars ( i myself grew it in a patch for 2 seasons and used it as a chop n drop mulch it regrows fast and i could get 3-4 chops out of the season chopping at around 3ft/1m the patch that i grew it in was un-amended soil really heavy clay after the 2 seasons it had made great soil ) …it is also great for foraging and grazing but can be dangerous to animals in frost areas if not tended to properly more info here :Β  Β,if%20pastured%2C%20cause%20cyanide%20poisoning.Β  Β …lowering the acidity of soil can be done through adding lime to help balance the ph …corn is a great cover crop as well but needs to be terminated early before it starts to put on grains it is also a winter kill cover crop, grows fast, digs deep …sunn hemp i think would also work really well in Hawaii as a great cover cropΒ

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