
3 votes

I know I have a video of it somewhere. I have been working on transcribing all the videos to make them searchable for myself.

In the mean time, I can describe the basic process

  1. 1-3 weeks before transplanting
    1. Spread IMO and Soil Formula in area to plant
  2. 1-3 days before transplanting
    1. Stop watering the tree – this will make the plant thirsty
    2. Turn the tree 90 degrees in it’s pot – this pre-stresses the plant
  3. Transplanting time – best in the late afternoon
    1. Do not amend the hole with anything.
    2. Soak tree roots in Soil Formula liquid for 15-60min – the thirsty plant will absorb all the good nutrients
    3. Bare root the plant – knocking off the soil encourages it’s readiness to be a new environment
    4. Trim tap root 1/3 (leave 2/3) – will force more lateral root growth
    5. Place tree
      1. Spread out lateral roots
      2. Brace to keep upright if necessary
      3. Bury lightly and do not compact soil around roots
    6. Water soil lightly with soil prep solution used for soak above buried roots – do not over water. this encourages the microbes to plug into the tree for nutrients and the roots to reach for moisture.
  4. 24 hours later
    1. Mulch around tree in donut shape
    2. Water normally
  5. A few weeks later – the plant should have taken root well
    1. Remove the bracing
    2. You can amend on the surface in a donut shape to encourage the lateral roots to reach out

The hole dug for planting should look more like this -> |…:i:…| where it resembles a pyramid in the middle. The edges should be about 8 inches deep and the center rising to about 6 inches. This is a shallow hole where the lateral roots can naturally spread out and remain close to the surface where they want to be.

Folks will mistakenly dig a grave for a plant that looks more like this |__| that is much deeper than it should be. They will amend the hole and soil with tons of nutrients. This is like placing a baby in a grave with lots of food. The food will rot, the baby will die, and if somehow it manages to live, it will be spoiled and never reach out to find it’s own nutrients or establish healthy relationships with the microbial community.

The point here is to give the plant somewhat of a rough start. Make it forage on its own, but place it in a way that it can take care of itself. Do not spoil young trees. Make them work for nutrients by applying them just further out than the drip zone and make them have to grow into them.

  • drake answered 1 month ago
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