
1 vote

All of the information that you need to grow cannabis is given in Drake’s and Chris’s videos.  Don’t over think it, it is as simple as you think it is. And it works.

1 vote
In reply to: Canabis

Alternate leaf and flower for veg.

Start alternating flower and fruit 2 weeks before flowering starts.

Make sure that the last two weeks are fruit then harvest.

1 vote

Fermentation itself is not a “cure” in natural farming. Fermentation is used as a means of converting biomass into more plant available compounds.

That being said, you can very likely cure your flight through the use of natural farming. Good fungi beat it had fungi, to just have to get t right fungi.  I recommend finding a location that is thriving with similar soil and moisture content at a higher elevation.  IMO the snot out of it and apply it to your land.

I have all but completely cured Fabraea Leaf Spot, aka black leaf spot, on my pear tree.

When we moved into our house, the pear tree was half rotted and dead.  The filling year it barely had any foliage, and all foliage had Fabraea.  I was told by the previous occupants that in the 12 years they were here, they had never seen a single flower.  I removed all dead and damaged branches, then began applying Natural Farming Techniques.

Our soil is 100% clay, so I began adding organic matter to the top of the clay.  Mostly grass clippings that were chock full of deer droppings.  Every 2 weeks I brewed up the soil treatment with some imo 2 and let it bubble for 24-72 hours depending on the temperature.  I sprayed so surfaces of the tree, troy whatever was left on the ground inside the root zone.

Immediately that spring, the tree came to life with a renewed vigor.  Covered in green foliage, it looked 100 times better than I had ever seen it.  Still no flowers.  But!, there was only maybe 10% Fabraea compared to the year before.

This is currently year 2, remember trees take time.  Only about 5% Fabraea and I got flowers, about 30 of them!  None produced any fruit, but we are making progress.

1 vote
In reply to: Water use per sq ft

For soil applications, use 4 to 5 gallons of solution per 100 square feet and water it in with about 15 gallons.

For foliar applications, it depends on your sprayer. The smaller the droplets, the less you need to use.  If the droplets are 50 microns or smaller, 20 gallons will cover an acre.  At 100 microns, it takes 8 times as much to cover the same area. These numbers assume that you are using JWA, if not, double them.

How do you determine your micron size? The quick and easy way is to spray it in the air, if it is a fine just and floats away, it is roughly 50 microns. If it does not float away, it is 100+.

If half of the spray floats and half falls immediately, two things are true.

1. You need a better nozzle

2. At 50/50, you need 6x the volume

At 75/25, you need 4x the volume

1 vote
In reply to: WCP

The bones won’t dissolve. The chemical reaction between the vinegar and the bones puts Calcium and Phosphorous into solution.  The warmer the vinegar, the faster it happens.  It won’t go crazy most of the time.  If you want to see a more violent reaction, heat the vinegar first. If it starts steaming, its too hot and you are cooking off the compounds that make it vinegar.

1 vote
In reply to: What kind of vinegar

Regular white vinegar has been distilled.  It can be used, but even the crappy apple cider vinegar from the same brands at bog box stores would be better.

-1 votes
In reply to: WCA ratios

You can’t go by weight, crunch up your eggshells and char email up. Whatever volume of eggshells you have after that, put it in a container at least w0 times that volume. Then add 9 times the volume of eggshells as vinegar.

0 votes
In reply to: FFj

At room temperature (68-72F) it will take 10 days, at 80F it takes about 7 days.

0 votes

That is exactly what the app does for you, type in how much you want to make, and it tells you how much of each solution to add.  Simple division will give you the ratios.

OHN and FAA are 1000:1

Most others are 500:1

0 votes

Jan 3 fingers into the imo3. About that much.

Showing 1 - 10 of 21 results