
1 vote
In reply to: Orchard Managment

Understanding the Nutrient Cycle Theory is very crop dependent, as apples are different than pears or persimmons, so knowing exactly what you are growing and then tuning the theory specifically to your climate is essential, and you will get better season after season as you practice and learn.

In general, you can use the Maintenance Formula, which is composed of Food, Cleanser, Medicine, and Structure all the time to great benefit.

To get more specific, I can share what Master Cho recommends for each crop individually, though because I am in the tropics, I probably will not have personal experience with the same crops.

  • drake answered 1 year ago
0 votes
In reply to: Disease from pruning

The solutions you mention of Medicine, Cleanser, and Protectors sound like a good short term solution to controlling any infection that is in the tree.

In the long run, Foundation IMO is your best bet. Mix a bit of that with some oatmeal gruel to make it sticky and make a sort of poultice and smear it on the wounds to help them heal. Master Cho talks about healing trees in this video toward the beginning, even though the video is about collecting IMO, he gets side tracked by the health of the tree and talks about that instead.

  • drake answered 1 year ago
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