Office Hours โ€“ Dr. Drake โ€“ July 17, 2022

0:00Intro and Welcome
2:18iChing- Modesty
6:57Drake teaching at Hawaiian Sanctuary- August 11 and 18, 2022
10:05Drake has been doing Natural Farming for 15 years- global community
15:45PostUp Media video on Seed Soak Solution; transplanting
19:20modesty- just continue to do it- don’t worry about ethnicity- outperform and persist and people will listen
20:45no need to water, microbes do it; plenty of water in the air
23:25KNF in the desert- check out Microbial Secret Society (, under micro-celebrities, look up Sam Bevans
26:11tractor size; tilling; compacting
30:11spraying foliar- combination of solutions?
32:25KNF Protectors (LAB) to eat contaminants
33:14applying which solutions- can mix in as many as 3 of multiple KNF Foods
35:13spader vs. tiller
37:48flowers and fat/skinny schedule; nutrient cycle- 3 phases of growth
43:53Korea videos- farms with monoculture crops
47:27catabolic vs. anabolic- scientific names
48:50growth and reproduction- give your plants what they need at the right time; support rather than force
51:33Drake sending latest Recipe Book
52:13Dr. Bugby at Utah State- not overfeeding roots, feeding foliarly
53:50beneficial exudates- bamboo, comfrey, horsetail
54:35Sri Lanka is not practicing Natural Farming- they need the disgustingly cheap microbes and cheap food to go organic- the whole world will need this- please translate and get them these 2 recipes
56:32feed flowers foliarly
56:55LAB in fridge with green mold after 2 years- throw it out
57:56advice for heavy clay soil with little organic matter- IMOs, add organic matter, biochar and the solutions
1:01:10microgreens- use the Leaf Formula for questions