Hi all,ย I do not understand why in the leaf solution sea water is not included, would you please fill me in on that? For all other solutions I go with 1g/L of raw salt, regardless of the concentrations shown on my app, am I wrong on that? Thank you for your time.
- Marco Forti asked 7 years ago
- you have the app Why did you spend money on it to change the recipes? The answer is yes
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The information for the Solution Calculator App comes verbatim from Master Cho, you can watch his lectures on the nutritive cycle, and here is his handout in the original Korean.
I don’t really have a good reason for you why he leaves seawater out. Sometimes folks in the audience will ask and he will be like “oh yeah, add that too”. KNF is really about intuition and less about this shotgun approach, but this app is designed to get you to be able to hit the target at least close enough for government work.
You will also notice that on his sheet there are the proprietary minerals which he refuses to teach to even his most advanced students, so most likely this knowledge will die with him and we will forever be left hampered by an old man’s greed. whoops.
- drake answered 7 years ago
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