Hi everyone!
Recently had two batches of LAB sit too long with dairy milk. Pretty sure I know the answer, but wanted to see if anyone had experience using LAB once dark mold presented itself on the separated curd on top?
- mork888 asked 4 years ago
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iv had some green & white molds but never like a black mold would recommend carefully removing the curd from the whey then smell the whey ….is it rotten ..bad juju …does it smell fine .. should be ok trust your nose it will tell u if its bad or not the only other concern i would think would be the amount of microbes u r harvesting the longer it set as the microbes feed the more that would have died off as the food ran out but id say as long as its not rotten it’s fine LAB is really hardy and will beat out most bad juju as long as there’s enough food and if all else fails compost it nature will make it great food in time
- dagoofman answered 4 years ago
- Thank you. Yes, I decided to err on the side of caution, and composted the lot. It was quite funky in a way that didn’t sit right with me. Definitely a learning lesson in keeping track, but also acting quick.
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i’ve used batches that have developed a little pink or grey mold on top by removing it before straining. but if the whey doesn’t taste right, bad, or cheesy it shouldn’t be considered a good batch.
- suzepureknf answered 4 years ago
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