Fertilizing blackcurrants and gooseberries small garden


Hi I am planning to grow some black/red/white currants and gooseberries. In my garden soil is in not the best condition.
I am just starting making ohn + I am planning to use fpj and lab along.
I wonder if fish meal + kelp meal + maybe insect frass would be complete fertilizer ?
Ohh and I am making my own wormcasting aswell so I would be topdressing plants with it aswell, but its not big amounts πŸ™‚
Gooseberries are quite heavy K feeders but they also don’t like to much nitrogen.
I been planning to use chicken manure pellets or fish blood and bone but I am not sure is it good idea because of all antibiotics etc. What do you guys think ?
In the future I am planning to collect maybe some imo and make my own faa.

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all the things u said r great theres no reason u cant add whatever u want to the soil remember gardening is never 1 way to do anything and the best way to garden is what works for u maybe your a double dig person maybe your a ruth stout it doesn’t matter if your happy doing it and u get results good or bad its all lesson learnt —–the difference between the master and the student is that the master has failed more times then the student has even tried—– never be scared to try something new in your garden (test small)


Happy Experimenting

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