How do you make “poor” soil with KNF?
I know blueberries want acidic(PH between 4 and 5), nutrient poor soil but how does that work with KNF? Would it be as easy as adding more cleanser and less food to the maintenance solution and test and adjust until the PH is low enough? Should one take an IMO collection under a wild bush and the microbial life would make the soil acidic? Or would the blueberry bushes just make the soil they want given the right building blocks and I’m overthinking it? How much agency do plants have to make the environment right for them given the same inputs?
- taliiz asked 12 months ago
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pH has little to do with soil fertility, ie “rich vs poor”. Plants and the microbes they cultivate will change the pH centimeters away from the roots where it matters and your overall (macro) pH may have a completely different reading, so trying to change or influence the macro pH is not a good way to go about managing the soil. What is a good way to go about managing the soil is to ensure there is adequate biology and organic matter/material. With that present, the natural processes will reach balance which enables the plants and biology to thrive the way they want to and reach their full potential in balance, which results in better produce in many measurable ways besides “just the biggest”.
Specifically in the cultivation of blueberries, it makes sense to include an IMO collection done in a blueberry patch (or several) if this is the crop you will be cultivating. It also makes sense to collect in other near by places to ensure that monoculturesickeness will not arise. Applying these IMO following the Soil Foundation Formula annually or semi-annually will also help the biology, as well as foliar applications of Solutions, and adding compost or mulch depending on your situation. Also encouraging a ground cover will ultimately help reduce your need to supplement as the farmer.
It’s not that you are overthinking it, it’s more that you have to approach it with the simplicity of a child. Children think a whole lot, but they are not necessarily polluted by years of complexity. Nature is not complex. Things like chemistry can get us so tied up with complexity that we lose that simplicity. There are many lenses to look at life, some are useful in certain situations. I always advocate knowing more, but the great sages always say that we always knew everything all along.
- drake answered 12 months ago
- Thank you for indulging my curiosity tonight and the addition of greatly appreciated wisdom, I appreciate the time you took, what you do in general and you as a person, genuinely thank you
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