Watching office hours


H KNF peeps. . Just wondering. I have two different passwords. One for pure KNF foundation and one for KNF support. Is this correct?  I log on to both of them as usual. But when I do to watch office hours it’s saying sign in to confirm your not a bot. This helps to prevent our community. This keeps happing to me. It tells me I’m logged in.  So am I a bot? Has my subscription run out?

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I do not need to log into KNF Support to watch the past office hours using the link located on this site …there is no subscription to use KNF Support or watch office hours here or on youtube


you just might be one of the droids they are looking for !   lol  =)

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As of right now the foundation membership and knfSupport websites are not integrated and require separate logins/accounts made for them.

  • Lee Scollard
    Yes it does. Thanks
  • Lee Scollard
    Hi suze. Thanks for your answer. I’m replying to dagoofman. It won’t let me add a comment to his post. Says a error has occurred. Is it possible to learn this power dagoofman? Even when I clear history and log in again it won’t let me watch the video. Sucks
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