I have almost a year old FAA in a cooler which is in my garage which is not a heated garage. Will my FAA be OK in a colder temperature during the winter? I am assuming that the microbes will go dormant until the warmer weather comes. Just want to make sure it will be OK before i go to strain it.
- renoryan asked 3 years ago
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i make my FAA on my front porch in a glass jar unheated and it gets really cold on the porch when its -2 outside cold enough to freeze water iv not had a issue with it in fact theres a question on here somewhere about freezing solutions and if i remember correct the freezing assists in micronation of the the solution so iv never worried about keeping my KNF stuff in a tote on the porch the main player in the fermentation is lacto and it should just go dormant as u said no biggie plus u r using a cooler the insulation will keep it from freezing or even getting to cold u really should have nothing to worry about
- dagoofman answered 3 years ago
- Well I figured that was the case. Thank you for the reply and please if anyone has any more to add i would love to hear from you regarding this question. Stay healthy my friends.
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