Greenish IMO4 // trichoderma // pig pen


As part of a community project here in Otavalo, Ecuador, we’ve built an amazing raised KNF pig barn (w/biochar, logs, and cornstalks, with these covered by rice hulls (90%) mixed with soil (10%); plus the pen has a split roof, well-drained water nipples, etc.)

We seeded IMO4 on top of the cornstalk layer and covered all this with 10″ of rice hulls/soil. However, this was about 3 months ago!

As we’re FINALLY ready to bring in the piglets, we’ve begun spraying the corral with the “protector” (LAB), “food” (FPJ) to activate the IMO4. Sea-salt water sprayed on as well.

Me, being worried that the 3-month-old IMO4 may no longer be effective, I made up a new batch of IMO4. The problem is that the little IMO4 clumps have a faint aqua-green color, which I assume is trichoderma.

MY QUESTION [no. 1 of 2]:

Is the second (greenish/trichoderma) batch of IMO4 bad?  …meaning unusable for a piggery

Gracias de antemano..!!







  • paulrongreene
    Just found this: “Trichoderma is a genus of green mold that preys on other fungal mycelium and is easily distinguished by its vibrant blue-green color during sporulation” Not good :/
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It sounds like you may not have made the IMO correctly. It is essential, especially when it comes to animals, that the IMO does not exceed 50 celsius during the fermenting process. It should smell like a rich forest floor when done properly.

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