IΒ΄m trying to make WCA and when I added the toasted eggshellsΒ to vinegar it bubbled like a lava lamp and was highly active for maybe 1,5 hours. 5 hours later it is bubbling, but the eggshells are not going up and down as much as before.
Is it just an initial reaction when it goes crazy or is it supposed be highly active for longer than mine is?
- lukas asked 3 years ago
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The initial reaction is quite explosive, so I recommend only adding a little vinegar to avoid having it spill over. After an hour or so, the reaction will slow, so then add the rest of the vinegar to get it to 1:10 ratio by weight. This reaction is rather quick, and will be complete in 3-5 days. The way to know it is done is by tasting it, and when the vinegar bite is gone, it is done.
What you describe is normal in practice.
- drake answered 3 years ago
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