Hi, everybody, but especially Drake!
@Drake, when I got to https://naturalfarminghawaii.net/chickens/, it says that there is such a thing, but I can’t find a link to buy it.
Another link to “KNF Animal System Explained” for $8.00 (https://naturalfarminghawaii.net/product/advanced-animal-systems-the-secrets-of-pureknf/) says “Out of stock”. But, isn’t it a PDF? How does a PDF go out of stock?
Can you help me get some of these titles?
Thank you!
- ETC7 asked 7 months ago
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The idea is to get the sun to go over the chicken house so a beam of sunlight will come through the split roof to go across the floor each day. In the Advanced Chicken Workshop by Master Cho, he explains the building design in the first lecture of the playlist.
Also, Master Choβs Slides on Chickens may be a helpful resource as well.
- suzepureknf answered 3 weeks ago
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