My pepper suffer because root nematode are present in the soil. I use ULC microbial solution every week. I understand that the soil recovery take times in order to have a balanced soil, bad nematodes for plant killed by other elements present. But I have a urgent case to resolve. What can I use to eliminate root nematode or protect my plants.
- Taxaw asked 7 years ago
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In practice, ULC KNF Microbes alone may not be enough to create a balanced soil ecosystem.
The microbes are like workers, and they need sandwiches, material to build with and tools to be productive. So to extend this analogy out in terms of the KNF Solutions we work with:
- Workers = (ULC) KNF Microbes
- Sandwiches = (ULC) KNF Food
- Materials to build with = KNF Minerals
- Tools to be productive = KNF Cleanser and KNF Medicine
In the case of nematodes, this complete recipe needs to be drenched deep. Either fully saturating the substrate or if in the ground, going at least a meter down once a week. If you apply before a rain, can make more concentrated and the water will do the depth penetration for you!
Now, if you need to immediately kill the nematodes I found this paper that says “In addition, sulfur 100 mg/kg of soil caused 70% and 69% decreases in the final population and reproduction factor of the nematode, respectively”
So go with liquid sulphur diluted at 1:100 and liquid soap diluted at 1:50 into soft water, and drench it deep! Only use this 2-3 times in a row to kill the nematodes, then follow it with the above recipe to restore living balance to the soil.
- drake answered 7 years ago
- Very thanks for your great advices. Will come back soon. Seydou from West Africa Senegal
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