what are a variety of things I can use for imo 3 instead of rice hulls? I have heard oats mixed with wood chips can work but I was wondering if maybe oats alone could be successful? Thanks(:
- mitchell-l asked 3 years ago
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for IMO 3 the basic idea is 50/50 carbon (home) and carbs (food) this can be any form of the 2 for example i once used shredded cardboard (carbon) and some old flour from the cupboard (carbs) and propagated some IMO3 for my compost was it the best NO did it work yes and o did my compost pile love it so it really depends on what u have what u can get i think it was rolled oats or crimped oats that chris trump was using in one of his vids u can get it pretty cheep at feed stores in the states its both carbon and carbs in 1 bag just remember KNF is about using whats around u whats cheep or even better FREE
Happy Experimenting
- dagoofman answered 3 years ago
- ah i see, so is it that you can use rolled oats (or crimped) as both a carb & a carbon? or would I still have to include a carbon with the oats. thanks for answering me the first time!
- i believe u can use them as both carbon and carbs crimped/rolled oats have both the grain and the husk i dont think it would hurt if u did add a lil char or woodchips to the mix if u have some on hand for a lil bit of extra carbon but i dont think its needed…. i personally would add a lil bit of fine char to the the mix not much just to be sure theres plenty of space for the microbes …but again dont think that is needed
- thanks for the information (:
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