Where I am from its impossible to find wheat or rice bran. What else can be used instead for preparing IMO 3?
- cannane asked 3 years ago
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IMO3 is 50/50 carbon and carbs of any sort IE: drake has done wood chips (carbon) and dog food (carbs) go to your local feed store see what u can get thats cheep rolled/crimped oats, mill run, char, wood chips whatever u can get that meets the 50/50 mix
- dagoofman answered 3 years ago
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Thank you dagoofman, but cannot use plain Rice cooked or uncooked for the carbohydrate substrate as , no oats, mill run available.
- cannane answered 3 years ago
- what kind of carbs and carbon can u get what is around that u can use its not the point of the type of carbs n carbon just the fact that u get the 2 and mix them about 50/50 to make the IMO3 IE: shredded paper (carbon) flour (carbs) –not the best mix– just a example…. just use what u have something is better then nothing
- dagoofman, okay I understand. Will try to find what is available then, maybe do a search online on what has the most carbon and carbohydrate and check what I have on that list. But I do have shredded paper and plain flour available. Thanks
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dagoofman, after some research I found these are available abundantly here, free and high in carbohydrate;
100g of Casava – carbs 95g
100g of Yam – carbs 93g, and
100g of plantain or cooking banana 91g.
So how would I go about using them as the substrate?
- cannane answered 3 years ago
- last edited 3 years ago
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u would chop small mix with carbon and i mean small the more surface area u can get the better could even run them through a grater if u had one and had the time or a food processor to get it small what ever u can …..my question to this would be par cooked or not i would think par cooked it would release more starches n sugars to be available for the IMOs and soften the flesh a bit but maybe it would be unneeded (wouldn’t hurt to do a lil test there see whats better) …i would think the real key here to using these as carbs is the size the smaller the better u would not want large chunks that can just rot in the IMOs but more like shredded so theres not only more availability of the starches n sugars to the microbes but also a less likely to rot situation IMO3 should not be “wet” a lil damp not dry cause water is life and tubers have a lot of water in them so does the plantain so that would be the thing i would take into consideration the most is controlling the moisture when using these as carb source
- dagoofman answered 3 years ago
- I haven’t started yet, but did grate and grind them down to almost powder or flour size. It looks okay, but not too sure if it will work out. I am still collecting to make around 40lb so will update you when its done and tried. The carbon material in woodchips, I guess I don’t need this to be as small or fine but a grind in the wood chipper would suffice.
- ya u dont need the wood chips to be a particular size they r more the hotel the microbes live in
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