LAB problems


Hello, my first attempt at making LAB seems to be going poorly. I am located in Washington state and my house is over 100 years old and difficult to heat well, so I wonder I’d that has somethingto do with it. As you can see in the linked photos, my LAB has become yogurt with only a small amount of whey at the bottom. I’ve had it going with milk for over a week and it doesn’t seem to want to progress to the curds stage.ย  It’s also starting to grow pink mold on top. Any ideas? Thanks!

  • knjfarms
    Rainbow, I am on day 7 out of 10 days (5 days for rice, 5 days for milk sugar) LAB. <– curd is forming above, whey below. You can eat the curd, it's a simple cheese. Keep the culture below. Some will ferment with brown sugar to keep at room temp, but I like to keep the active LAB in the fridge, good for 3-6 months. I wash rice in 2-3x RO water for 2-3 mins. I sit that aside in a glass mason jar with breathable cheese cloth in the dark at 69F-75F for 5 days. The microbes that were washed off the rice into water ferment. Once 5 days have past and it looks pretty cloudy (lots of life). I add in 10x room temp milk, put the cheese cloth back on and sit back in it's spot for another 5 days. -Jay
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Did you let the rice wash water develop the โ€œsweetโ€ change in the smell?

  • Joe Lorusso
    I have always done larger amounts than you did here, I have also used different milks right out of the fridge. Try again this week!
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Did you add 10x the milk to the volume of rice water you let ferment 7 days before? What kind of milk did you use. Did you leave it ferment in a cool/dark place? What is the temp in the room you let your culture sit?


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