Is the level 2 video series availabile only by pay on YouTube or is there another place to watch?
- Austin Perhaps asked 7 years ago
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The Level 2 competency course is best in person. In fact that is the only real way to get this course. The Level 1 course that I taught at Hawaiian Sanctuary was so comprehensive that it covers almost all the material that would be covered in Level 2 minus the hands on portions. The reason for this is that they wanted a 2 hour class for 6 sessions, so I just went for it giving everything I had to the class. I am however always refining and improving the course, so just like watching Master Cho, there is always more to be gleaned even from the most basic course.
I am however in the process of releasing footage from the Level 2 Course that I taught here at the knfFarm in Onomea. I was reluctant to just give this away as I open source most everything and I need to recoup my costs so I can keep doing what I do, but alas, the world really needs this, and for some reason I am firmly opposed to operating quid pro quo.
However if you would like to thank me online (and dollars are the best way to do that) you can make a financial contribution to me personally through my website (just change the quantity to something appropriate) or paypal =
- drake answered 7 years ago
- Getting lots of unnoticed nuggets with consecutive listenings to the level 1, definitely loaded with info! Thanks incoming
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