For AG drone use, or other time / weight sensitive scenarios like for example having sprained an ankle and wanting to spray in half the time, could you double the concentrations for inputs in for example maintenance solution and go through twice as fast to spray half as much? Or does the ratio with the water matter a lot? Can you halve application rate and double potency?
- taliiz asked 12 months ago
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I don’t think there is any way to hack the dilution ratios as recommended, otherwise that would be the recommended application/dilution rate. We are always converging toward easiness and effectiveness.
The reason for this is that the water has to do with the absorption to dilution ratios. It’s like saying that we could make gatoraide twice as potent and it would still be effective cause you could drink half as much. Yeah, not so much. You would find it way too salty and not nearly as hydrating in its effect. Similar situation here.
Also, with spraying 25gal/acre is a light mist. In practice it really covers the plants very well with no drips. At application rates below that, there will be difficulty getting the solution to maximize the surface area available for absorption.
Another way to think about this is “can i just double the nutrient density of my food and eat half as much?”. Probably not, because your intestines and digestive system can only get so much out of the food through the digestive process, and most likely you will be taking big dumps with a lot of extra nutrients in there, and no perceivable benefit to yourself besides you are still hungry. Though this does not quite really apply because our current commercially available food is much lower below the natural nutrient density per volume, so some benefit probably would be realized by concentrating more nutrient density at this point. However realize that the KNF solutions are already concentrated, so not diluting them is not nearly as analogous in this example. ie. concentrating a concentrate vs concentrating a dilute.
- drake answered 11 months ago
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