NPK values for KNF method solutions


Have the solutions for this system been tested for their respective NPK values yet? We are applying bi-weekly (using the App suggested amounts) with only marginal results and are wondering if the volume of the solutions are  either too weak or too strong. The biggest issue with my plants is yellowing leaves. I get that the N is either deficient or too prevalent (both conditions will cause yellowing but too much will add tip burn. But so will wind damage). I have recently started doubling up the App amounts  into the same volume of water with no change in the way the plants look.
Has there been any testing on these numbers and if so, where might we find it?

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Thank you for the response, I am going to continue to do the spraying and hope things work out.

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Well, I’m not a master or anything but if u are using the full consortium of ingredients and they have been made right u shouldn’t be having those issues, if u are only using a couple or just one like fpj, drastic results are unlikely to be seen, FAA is your nitrogen source in KNF, if your not using that chances are your lacking nitrogen unless u have tottally completed imo 1-4 and have added a nitrogenous substrate

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