Does anyone have a good resource for managing a fruit orchard?ย I wanted to manage mine with all KNF.
I was uncertain when to put the cal phos out, since you are supposed to put the nitrogen out as the leaves are growing and yet that is when the blossoms are also coming out.ย So which do you put on in what phase?
e.g. green tip, pink tip, blossom, baby fruit, mature fruit. etc.
I wasย also trying to find out more how to keep the trees from getting too big to manage.ย We have semi-dwarf trees and they are quite big still.
- marie asked 1 year ago
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Understanding the Nutrient Cycle Theory is very crop dependent, as apples are different than pears or persimmons, so knowing exactly what you are growing and then tuning the theory specifically to your climate is essential, and you will get better season after season as you practice and learn.
In general, you can use the Maintenance Formula, which is composed of Food, Cleanser, Medicine, and Structure all the time to great benefit.
To get more specific, I can share what Master Cho recommends for each crop individually, though because I am in the tropics, I probably will not have personal experience with the same crops.
- drake answered 1 year ago
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I will review the video thank you! We have apples, pears, cherries, peaches, filberts, english walnuts and northern pecan trees
- marie answered 1 year ago
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