My FAA was started a couple of weeks ago. I put a couple of rocks on top of the floating fish, so now it doesn’t smell like fish. However, I just checked today and there is white mold things starting. Should I be concerned or do anything?
- Linda Vanderbaan asked 4 years ago
- Also happened to me, there were little clusters of white mold here and there but minimal, eventually they went away after consuming whatever tehy were feeding on. The smell was always pleasant so I think it’s good. Like you, I just used fish and sugar in that batch, in the next one I will use OHN and IMO4, maybe that will prevent the mold.
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a lil white mold is fine as long as theres not a rotting smell or black or green mold… a lot of fermentations get a bit of white mold its mostly yeast from what i am to understand and id guess they r feeding on the oils floating on top iv noticed if i put a lot of garlic in a batch of pickles or something the oil floats up and white mold will grow on it sometimes …. if u wanted to u could spoon it off or just mix it in the LAB in there breaking down the fish should take care of it
- dagoofman answered 4 years ago
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Thank you! I don’t have any LAB in there…well, maybe there is naturally, but I just used fish and sugar – did my recipe miss something?
- Linda Vanderbaan answered 4 years ago
- nope all good…the LAB is just in there its the main bacteria breaking down the fish…just doin what LAB does eating and multiplying lol…u can also add a lil OHN and IMO4 if u have it to help speed up the process and reduce smellΒ that’s how its taught but iv heard Chris Trump and Drake say it isn’t necessary …in one of the Chris Trump vids he uses measurements like skoosh and dash to refer to the amounts of OHN and IMO4 to add lol
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Thank you! I’ve seen Chris Trump’s skoosh and dash video, however, I don’t currently have OHN (only about 8 days in) or IMO4 – that’s next spring. I was able to culture an IMO1 indoors, it was pretty pink, but much better than the previous 4 tries – I didn’t realize we have a rainy fall, I mean I sort of knew it, but it made collecting outside a challenge. I checked my FAA today and the white bits haven’t grown, so that’s good. I might put in a skoosh of IMO2 – just to see…
- Linda Vanderbaan answered 4 years ago
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