Posts by nickytits

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In reply to: Ffj use in cannabis

I’m no expert but it’s my understanding as from Chris trump that you use WCAP for transitional phase with and fpj high in phosphoric acid or flowering hormones like flower fpj or unripe green fruit, as the plant gets further along into flower and fruit you transition to using WCA and towards the end you use a ripe “ffj” full of ripening hormones and mature plant sugars  along with WCA to really harden and finish off your fruit or bud, that’s how it is to my understanding

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Usually as a general rule you use half of any given dilution rate for soil drenching when foilar spraying as there is less of a buffering zone on the leaf surface and there it is more sensitive

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Well, I’m not a master or anything but if u are using the full consortium of ingredients and they have been made right u shouldn’t be having those issues, if u are only using a couple or just one like fpj, drastic results are unlikely to be seen, FAA is your nitrogen source in KNF, if your not using that chances are your lacking nitrogen unless u have tottally completed imo 1-4 and have added a nitrogenous substrate

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