Office Hours โ€“ Dr. Drake โ€“ September 18, 2022

0:00:00Intro and Welcome
0:01:55I Ching Reading – stand still/stagnation
0:10:10photos from Hope
0:11:15September 19- one year anniversary of Office Hours
0:12:50photos from Hope
0:21:55Drake is teaching a PureKNF course- Jan 6-12, 2023-
0:26:50OHN cures post-nasal drip
0:27:15introduce Belgium/Europe to PureKNF
0:30:35spraying livestock stalls- people don’t value things that are free- we have to value ourselves
0:33:25video from Hawaiian Sanctuary Plant Aloha class- check out their video archives at
0:36:20video starts “KNF Made Simple”
1:13:18video over
1:13:35thanks for tuning in
1:15:17long live the Natural Farmer