I am brand new at fermenting. I recently attempted making fpj and I believe everything went well. My question is when I taste the fpj it makes my body feel as though I just took a multivitamin, or maybe a very low microdose of mushrooms. I’ve been taking a couple drops a day and I feel amazing!! Is this all placebo or is my body just craving all the microbes and I actually am feeling a uplifted and maybe slightly tingly? Or did I brew up some bad stuff and that’s my body fighting it lolol
- earthwormjim asked 4 years ago
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There would be many factors to look into id think comparing your diet and what nutrients u might be lacking to the plant u r fermenting and what nutrients it may hold the added microbial activity is always a plus Dr. Park says “3% of r total body weight is germs both good and bad the highest of those r lacto” Lacto is everywhere in our r air on r skin it is one of the main microbes that ferment r FPJs along with other yeasts and microbes that live on that plant to break it down it is the main reason we do not mix plants when making FPJs so that the microbes do not compete also it could be a sugar high from the FPJ especially if u do not have a lot of sugar in your diet and as long as u used edible plants to make the FPJ there should be no bad juju i hope this may help u look into more aspects to find answers
KNF is all about the health and love of not only your plants and animals but yourself the health and love put into it is adsorbed back as energy and it excites me to continue forward when i hear story’s like this thank you
- dagoofman answered 4 years ago
- Thank you very much! I’m glad nothing bad is happening.
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well. did you know that the original Korean word for what we call “FPJ” is “Green Juice From Heaven”? not kidding. some o.g. knf trivia… My second thought, after “divine microbial medicine” was sometimes sugar makes me feel high…and that green juice can sometimes turn alcoholic if it over ferments in the first stage. but this may not be the case at all. truly, i would have to agree with you (to a degree). I feel great when I drink fpj too (especially diluted in water with a slash of vinegar and LAB.) i once gave a girlfriend of mine some fresh LAB whey and she said after the first sip she felt a rushing feeling of energy and happiness. i think she reeeeaaally needed the microbes and her body knew right away it was a good thing.
- suzepureknf answered 4 years ago
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