
1 vote
In reply to: Raw sugar

Raw sugar sometimes comes in large granules and has a hard time getting close enough to the plant’s surface to create the desired osmotic pressure. This can be overcome by grinding the sugar in some sort of contraption such as a coffee grinder without too much hassle to get the fine texture. A vitamix (or comparable) blender is also probably powerful enough and can be done in a large batch that can also reduce the tedious nature of smaller blending apparatuses.

Here is what the textbook has to say on sugars:

  • drake answered 6 years ago
2 votes

The process of fermentation eliminates many of the pesticide type functions when making KNF Food. In fact, many things that are known poisons are made edible after fermentation has elapsed, so I am very skeptical of the papaya leaf KNF Food being an effective pesticide.

You may find it works, but in my best understanding, it acts as a food to stimulate good biology rather than killing or inhibiting something you want to eliminate. I have made KNF Food from papaya leaves and it was quite tasty, though I prefer to make it from the fruits for my purposes.

If you are looking for an effective way to get theย proteolytic enzyme from papaya leaves, perhaps consider putting them in a pressure cooker with water and cooking them for many hours until the water reduces in half. This dark slurry is then strained and combined with liquid soap to become an effective pesticide.

  • drake answered 6 years ago
1 vote

When making KNF Fuel, if you start with bad fish, it’s like they say, bad fish.

If you study a good batch of KNF Fuel you will find that it is predominantly KNF Police that are preserving the solution. This is not to say that there are not other microbes doing their work to break down and disassemble the amino acids, but if other microbes get in there first and the KNF Police are unable to get dominance because of that, it’s best to start over.

The solutions you have tried to rectify it are exactly what I would recommend to try to fix the situation. The one last suggestion is to make sure all the fish is submerged below the liquid layer or covered entirely with sugar so there is no air exposure. In this anaerobic environment at room temperatures the KNF Police will have the environmental conditions in their favor and maybe be able to quell the riot.

Your nose knows though. If the smell is like rotting flesh, the KNF Police are not in charge and your body is warning you of high pathogens present and metabolizing the system. Masking this scent with other things like wood chips is just that, a mask. The face behind it needs to be transformed.

Under no circumstances put this in your body, unless somehow the scent turns to sweet, and I mean sweet, fish sauce. I’d wait at least 6 months with this batch, and if you can’t rectify the rotting smell in the next week, perhaps just put it away and smell it then. No sense throwing it out unless you live in a tiny home.

If you do go to throw it out, put it into a large compost pile and let the thermophilic microbes do their decomposing magic. Kill it with fire as they say.

  • drake answered 6 years ago
0 votes

2/3 is the sweet spot in KNF for various reasons. One of the main reasons is 2/3 is a close approximation to the golden ratio which is the key to all life as we know it. The closer you get to this ratio, the more easily energy will emerge out of the infinite space which is essential for fermentation. For more information on this you can study Pythagoras and the concept of the square root of the unit square.

If you can’t hit 2/3, don’t worry. Yes, the correct solution would be to find an appropriate container, but let’s get real, if it ain’t easy, we ain’t gonna do it. And since you are already done with it, roll with it. Learn from this experience and maybe next time get closer to mastering KNF.

KNF Medicine and KNF Microbes are not necessary for KNF Fuel. They are an optional side note in the text and actually modify the end product so that you will lose the fats and oils that float on the surface of KNF Fuel made without them.

  • drake answered 6 years ago
1 vote
So maybe I got a little ahead of myself when I was at the poke shop today I asked if the had any ...
  • Paulie asked 6 years ago
  • last active 6 years ago
0 votes

In KNF it has been found that worm castings are an almost essential part of waking up the dormant KNF Microbes. Worm castings are full of vital humic and fulvic acids which signal to the indigenous micro organisms that it is time to wake up and go to work. In nature this would occur in a rich forest environment where the fungus is happy to hatch and live a very comfortable life, but for us, we are sort of “hacking” nature a bit by tricking the microbes into thinking they are in the forest, when in reality, they are in our cultivated fields.

Humic and fulvic acids as well as worm castings are naturally found in a humus layer, yet we want to kick start that process, so we can make a tea of concentrated KNF Microbes and in this include KNF Food, KNF Cleanser, KNF Medicine as well as worm castings and actively aerate this solution for 24-36 hours to grow the populations to immense numbers, then spray or drench this on the area we want to treat, and the soil responds by coming to life with all the essential ingredients of a naturally healthy system.

  • drake answered 6 years ago
0 votes

Yes, the oven will work well. 180 for 2 hours seems appropriate to get rid of the moisture. I think it will have to be a bit warmer to toast out the organic material. Seems to me more like 250 for 2 hours, but this is an energy thing. Don’t want to burn them, and I don’t have any empirical evidence on this as I always use the pan method, but I typically use a low medium heat, which is a bit more than what the textbook calls for, but we did this in Korea under Master Cho’s watch and he nodded in approval of the higher heat, quicker cook time.

When baking in the oven, crushing is not necessary unless it makes sense. When cooking in the pan, crushing is mandatory trying to get the shells 1-2mm in size. I do not recommend powdering them.

  • drake answered 6 years ago
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