Past Office Hours

Office Hours โ€“ Dr. Drake โ€“ March 19, 2023

0:00:00Intro and Welcome
0:02:20I Ching Reading – Grace
0:05:11welcome the community
0:14:35Spanish roots
0:17:43IMO messed up
0:20:33IMO buddy
0:23:10back to IMO; actinomycenes
0:25:10what to do with bad IMO
0:25:45Brassicas vs. Mycroriza
0:27:22CO2 burst rate test
0:31:44endophytes/ root hairs
0:33:30carbon credits/ carbon sequestering
0:38:32Drake would like to talk with Mr. Beast and/or Joe Rogan
0:41:40AI and nature
0:42:24KNF Food viscosity
0:43:40IMO pile- adding roots to get mychoriza
0:45:55KNF tech to protect plants from birds and deer
0:47:37JADAM to deter animals
0:48:30EU regulations
0:51:09recordings to deter animals and other solutions
0:53:07making KNF Fuel- FAA
0:55:30Drake as the front person for KNF
0:59:11michoriza in soil
1:00:30combining KNF with deep water culture
1:01:09start with JMS or IMO
1:05:05email Drake if interested in taking a class
1:07:03in Brazil check out Pedro Meza
1:07:25thank yous; long live the Natural Farmer

Office Hours โ€“ Dr. Drake โ€“ March 12, 2023

0:02:39Intro and Welcome
0:04:20I Ching Reading – Perponderance of the Great
0:08:01welcomes around the world
0:09:15KNF and rainfall
0:13:37global group watching
0:14:13more rainfall
0:15:28Drake has been dealing with cows on his farm
0:17:08Elaine Ingham and grass fertility
0:23:35mosaic virus disease
0:28:34banana bunchee top disease
0:32:58Mogili growing hemp in MI- be in touch
0:33:42KNF chicken coop- Hubbell Bubble
0:38:12KNF app/ KNF Calculator based on Master Cho’s teachings
0:41:22straining liquid IMO and compost tea
0:43:33Indiana report and connection
0:44:17Drake teaching KNF on the farm- hedging inflation
0:46:00Tanzania and Kenya- practice regenerative agriculture
0:47:30KNF app/ KNF Calculator precision
0:48:20shelf life of formulas
0:55:00contact Drake for training
0:57:15Master Cho’s LAB- KNF Protectors
1:02:23KNF Protectors recipe from Drake’s book
1:04:40Indiana devastated by chemical ag
1:08:19Microbial Secret Society episode on felix global
1:08:44thank yous

Office Hours โ€“ Dr. Drake โ€“ February 26, 2023

0:04:58Intro and Welcome
0:06:09I Ching Reading – The Gentle/Penetrating Wind
0:08:48welcome everyone
0:12:32map showing drone route for the farm and video
0:19:05George joining via Zoom for an interview presenting his KNF from Latvia and their decentralized delivery system
0:52:43making vinegar
0:52:59people from all over the world are tuning in and connecting
0:53:45Master Cho’s KNF Cleanser (brown rice vinegar)
1:09:35Drake’s book on KNF Cleanser (BRV)- how ro make and use
1:12:12thank yous; long live the Natural Farmer