Past Office Hours

Office Hours โ€“ Dr. Drake โ€“ January 29, 2023

0:04:49Intro & Welcome
0:06:15I Ching Reading: Nourishment
0:10:25looking back at office hours; invitation to be a part of knf office hours 2023!
0:13:00Stonemason’s cucumber vinegar; comparing SCOBYs
0:14:28Georges microgreens timelapse; knf solutions display with recipes
0:08:05Georges knf InstantGram
0:20:05Knf class tour of Moose’s kava farm
0:29:01We got a milk cow! turning grass into proteins; spraying the pasture; drone time lapse
0:32:15Does the cow pen have a living floor? natural rememdy for mastitis
0:37:09Paul Stamets interview on HFUU speaker series
0:43:53Master Cho’s slideshow; PureKNF terminology
0:46:11Getting into knfFood; what it is & why you use it; the origin of knfFood recipe
0:48:48recognizing the philosophical process of making knfFood as shown on master cho’s slideshow
0:54:12what kind of plants do you want to collect to make knfFood?
0:55:42how to get the most juice out of your plants; mugwort, dropwort (dry land watercress)
0:59:15reference to supersaturation in Master Cho’s slide
0:59:52making knfFood from bamboo shoots
1:01:07knfFood from arrowroot or kudzu, cedar, five-leaf akebia, seaweed
1:04:56knfFood made from fruits with no commercial value; old knfFoods
1:06:27knfFood from flower of false acacia
1:07:29knfFood for reproductive phase

Office Hours โ€“ Dr. Drake โ€“ January 15, 2023

0:00:00Count Down
0:03:30Introduction & Welcome
0:04:30I Ching Reading: Darkening of the Light
0:07:40international week long training at the farm; drought in east hawaii
0:10:01chipping trees, sugarcane stocks, IMO4, fish
0:01:40“Join the watering club”; climate change; evaporation
0:12:29Master Cho’s open source presentations
0:14:27Fermenting Seaweed; biofuel with microalgae; trace minerals
0:15:42kudzu vine (high nitrogen weed)
0:16:53fermenting comfrey, mugwort, basil; explosive knfFood; white mold; bubbling over
0:19:50climate change from farming & water evaporation; Mark Cohen;
0:22:28Ernst Gotsch; syntropic farming; desert farming
0:25:05fermented seaweed RECIPE (knfFood recipe)
0:29:03making fermented seaweed from dried seaweed
0:30:55fermented plant extracts; difference between FPE & FPJ
0:32:42“giberrellin”; fungi; mycorhiza; knfFood
0:33:55using hard boiled eggshells in knfReproduction process
0:35:53permaculture books and resources
0:36:54regenerative livestock pasture management; fish waste covered with 1MO4; science of agroforester
0:42:5010 principals of syntropic farming w/ Pedro
0:49:06IMO process throughout 7 day class training
0:53:26comparing the differences between IMO3 & IMO4 and the process
1:05:10plant indicators; ferns & high alluminum in soil; KNF corrects phosphorous deficiency
1:10:18Bonus question for Pedro & Ben: What is your message to the world?

Office Hours โ€“ Dr. Drake โ€“ January 8, 2023

0:00:00Count down
0:01:49Intro and Welcome
0:02:28Daniel reads I Ching: The Marrying Maiden
0:06:24Week long Training on the KNF Farm in Hawaii
0:07:49Ishmael’s Forest Farming; A Gorilla informs Man of the Inherent Laws of Nature
0:17:28The Great Simplification; transitioning to truly off-grid systems;
0:20:58COVID quarantine changed his relationship with nature, igniting passion for sustainable living
0:24:332012 Occupy Wallstreet, Occupy Hilo with public gardens and food
0:32:24Living in Joy without Money Connected to the Land
0:30:20Uplifted by spreading KNF; spreading hope for World
0:38:33Syntropic Agroforestry combined with KNF makes Potent Medicine for land and people
0:41:52Cancer survivor seeks best way to grow medicine, using the Earth to heal the Earth
0:43:39Using KNF on cannabis makes super healthy plants!
0:46:23“KNF brought hope into my heart.” We can ALL evolve through this methodology!
0:51:23Favorite part of the 7 day KNF training in Hawaii