Past Office Hours

Office Hours โ€“ Dr. Drake โ€“ September 18, 2022

0:00:00Intro and Welcome
0:01:55I Ching Reading – stand still/stagnation
0:10:10photos from Hope
0:11:15September 19- one year anniversary of Office Hours
0:12:50photos from Hope
0:21:55Drake is teaching a PureKNF course- Jan 6-12, 2023-
0:26:50OHN cures post-nasal drip
0:27:15introduce Belgium/Europe to PureKNF
0:30:35spraying livestock stalls- people don’t value things that are free- we have to value ourselves
0:33:25video from Hawaiian Sanctuary Plant Aloha class- check out their video archives at
0:36:20video starts “KNF Made Simple”
1:13:18video over
1:13:35thanks for tuning in
1:15:17long live the Natural Farmer

Office Hours โ€“ Dr. Drake โ€“ September 11, 2022

0:00:00Intro and Welcome
0:01:41I Ching Reading – the family/ the clan
0:11:30solution is to plant a garden, grow food; nring the message; what you do matters into the future
0:13:12has anyone ever used NF techniques to maintain a forest farm?
0:16:37videos- persimmon farm in Korea
0:19:50prevent evaporation with mulching; chop and drop with wild grass
0:26:17LAB for foot/ shoe odor? yes and use it for laundry
0:27:48which dilution for laundry? 2TBSP per load and can spray shoes
0:29:08detergents aren’t good, use soap
0:30:30teach people how to make their own LAB
0:32:00no mold- IMOs and LAB keeping the balance
0:32:18video footage on YouTube channel and some on Drake’s hard drivennel
0:33:10more videos
0:43:50vineyard used KNF for mold
0:44:48can you use fruits with mold to make KNF Food?
0:45:25seed solution to germinate coconuts? Have to remove husk?
0:47:03thick juice for KNF Food?
0:48:08more on sprouting coconuts
0:49:16video of micro-brewer
0:51:40Let’s Grow Hilo; more videos
0:56:50drone footage of Drake’s farm
1:00:10fish and IMOs on the farm
1:03:08how far is pigpen and chicken coop from your house?
1:06:52thank yous
1:07:03long live the Natural Farmer

Office Hours โ€“ Dr. Drake โ€“ September 4, 2022

0:00:00Intro and Welcome
0:01:41I Ching Reading – Shi- The Army
0:06:44inflation; book- “The Art of War”- best to be prepared but be a Natural Farmer; rising energy costs
0:13:57rain catchment is illegal in some places
0:14:27forest management
0:15:27Reset to Korean Natural Farming
0:16:18making disgustingly cheap leaf fertilizer with IMO4; leaf mold
0:19:25electricity doubled in Maine
0:19:47fossil fuel farming; sequester CO2; use fossil fuels and microbes to regenerate
0:24:30KNF Fuel (FAA)
0:25:08root feeding nematodes in the disgustingly cheap food
0:26:32making KNF Food (FPJ) from sprouts; sprouted seed tea; maltose as a KNF solution
0:27:35cucumber vinegar
0:28:03carbon sequestration; climate restoration
0:33:07ground covers
0:33:40spread the message to more people- we have solutions
0:34:40best food is natural farm raised pork
0:35:50always keep your soil covered; tilling
0:38:30500-1000 people weekly tune into Office Hours; feel linked together in the KNF movement
0:40:45sell KNF- do it and be an example- it sells itself
0:42:00video of Goofman’s garden; use fish to grow more corn
0:45:03gardening is healing
0:45:55turn a field into grass without tillage
0:46:19sweeten your crops with specific KNF Food
0:47:30be a caretaker of the Earth
0:48:20Drake’s potato garden; moisture sensors- more moisture at night; robots can’t farm as well as humans
0:52:08living bed for dairy cows
0:53:20livestock presentation
0:56:03foliar feeding is 4x’s as effective as drenching
0:57:05microbe solution for sten rot- use KNF Protectors (LAB)
0:58:30robot to mow grass
0:59:17does Drake slaughter his own animals?
1:00:50speed up grass growing by using disgustingly cheap microbes and food- cover crops plus solutions
1:02:00KNF hui on island? Office Hours and visit the farm
1:02:55continue to make trillions of tiny differences and make a big difference
1:03:22thank yous- you, God, Master Cho, PureKNF Foundation
1:04:05long live the Natural Farmer