Past Office Hours

Office Hours โ€“ Dr. Drake โ€“ August 7, 2022

0:00:00Intro and Welcome
0:01:12I Ching Reading – K’un The Receptive
0:05:50inspirational shares from office hour folks; knf solution kit; homemade 25gallon sprayer
0:08:17knf grown sunflower; praying mantis; beneficial insects protect your crops
0:09:09grass clippings; knf grown beef steak tomato; cracking fruit; calcium
0:12:11knf garden plot; pond cleaned by lactor; cucumbers
0:13:54fish from the ponds; IMO box being eaten away; IMOs breaking down gravel rocks; microbe bloom
0:16:43microscope pictures from fresh IMO#4 pile; segmented fungus; spores; bacteria; bacterial feeding nematodes
0:19:41the function of nematodes; NPK cycling; soluble nutrients; root zone; chemical farming vs natural farming nutrients
0:24:5810-100x microscope images; fungal spore; flagellate; amoeba; protozoa; segmented fungus; nematode
0:29:38culturing IMO#4 forms clay soil into balls; bokashi EM balls; bokashi paint ball
0:35:18black soildier fly larva in Disgustingly Cheap Food recipe (JLF)
0:36:50black soildier fly larva in knfFood extract (FPJ); supersaturation
0:38:28collecting IMOs in the desert; microbial secret society podcast; knf support . com; search office hours
0:41:12knf pig pen design; conway greenhouse; livestock; Spencer Karren
0:44:47JADAM IS KNF; fruit ferment with LAB; fermented plant extract (FPE); energy shortage methods
0:47:40can you prolong the shelf life of Cheap Food recipe? anaerobic zombie microbes; fertilizer vs innoculant
0:50:44mushrooms are popping up everywhere; benefit of IMO#4
0:51:27can we house both pigs & chicken under one 12×12 roof?
0:54:09where can i get the pdf of the Recipe Book?
0:55:00can i use LAB to counter the effects of an anaerobic biochar solution?
0:56:19how long does it take to get each stage of IMO?
0:58:35basic poultry training videos at Mr. Lee’s farm; runnning pigs & chickens in the same pens
1:01:26collecting IMOs in the fall (autumn)

Office Hours โ€“ Dr. Drake โ€“ July 31, 2022

0:00:00Intro and Welcome
0:00:54I Ching Reading – Kuei Mei – The Marrying Maiden
0:07:59life on the farm; robot to weed & water FoodTaco; automating the farm fantasy
0:11:54JADAM fertilizar/Disgustingly Cheap recipes for surviving food shortage
0:12:45Hawaiian language website; akua/fungi/God
0:15:30homemade IMO tumbler; industrial turner with overhead auger
0:19:32more hawaiian words for fungus
0:21:09Disgustingly Cheap Food fertilizer; what if you’re making it from dried grass? variations; precausions
0:23:32Protozoean infusion for protozoean deficient soil
0:25:10tomato wilt; knf voodoo; knfProtectors; how to present knf to skeptics
0:30:12powdered bamboo in animal food; fermented cow dung for chicken food
0:31:58do not put JADAM solutions on body
0:32:39Microbe Hunter – Paul (Finish film)
0:33:39timeline/evolution of Disgustingly Cheap microbes graph; bad smells are no-nos; zombie vs. worker microbes
0:37:33how do i link up with other knf farmers in my area? KNF directory prototype; PKNF Foundation’s mission & purpose
0:42:02how do i charge biochar? video resources for leaning biochar; Josiah Hunt
0:52:10sharing knf thru youtube; interested folks who want to make a difference matter
0:54:12sugar for preservation; activation for molases
0:55:34protecting IMO box
0:58:54making brown sugar with white sugar and molases; video on sugar vs molases; intro to knf video
1:00:19how to search for videos within a youtube channel
1:03:52my first batch of LAB: what should it smell like?
1:08:08knfFuel for young vs older plant; nitrogen synthesis; amino acids

Office Hours โ€“ Dr. Drake โ€“ July 24, 2022

0:00:00Intro and Welcome
0:02:00I Ching Reading- Earth over Wind- Pushing Upward
0:04:16vocabulary is powerful- grow your garden
0:05:28Mau in Cambodia has translated the Recipe Book into Spanish
0:08:10emails to Drake at
0:08:50can plants be too dry to make the Food (FPJ)? Not all plants are equal in the juice they render; can add 10% of the sugar as salt
0:11:48making Food with mugwort; using a quart jar; temperature and waiting
0:14:58compacted soil- KNF Protectors (LAB); IMO and Maintenance Formula and Seawater
0:16:40Seawater floculates as well as other solutions- drench
0:19:58till or no till? broad forking; more organic matter and more microbes
0:24:01plants help to break up compaction- carrots, daikon, vetiver, cassava
0:25:35Post Up Media IMO3 under the microscope video; check out the playlist on Dr Drake’s YouTube channel
0:35:15water soluble potassium (ripe fruit Food) / phosphorus (unripe fruit Food)- go for balance, then deficiencies
0:38:59drywall, gypsum as soil amendments- rich fathers, poor sons
0:39:50KNF chicken coop- use KNF protectors; never use JMS for livestock- too many pathogens
0:41:34where can I get koh on Oahu? check out BEI
0:42:13which is better- soil floculation or dispersion? do both
0:42:30what microscope is the best? Dr Drake doesn’t know but has an Amscope- get a compound one that stagesand has a trinocular not a digital one
0:45:47how long does it take to make IMO3? 7-14 days
0:46:30google the video of Elaine Ingham explaining how to choose a microscope
0:47:44what type of wood can I use for the coop nesting and feeder? check DRake’s YouTube channel and search for chicken feeder
0:49:55KOH is potassium hydroxide
0:50:54treatment program recommendation for enhancing ohia tree’s resiiency against Rapid Ohia Death? search ROD on YouTube channel
0:53:23can brown rice vinegar be replaced with apple cider vinegar? absolutely- produce it yourself and you’ll get a living vinegar
0:53:55living, no-smell floor work for horses? YES; need a 6 foot depth
0:55:44optimal temp for making IMO? diffrent microbes; shouldn’t have too much rain when collecting- takes longer if it’s cooler
0:57:10milk kefir instead of LAB for chickens?
0:58:40soldering with a magnifying glass; micro-controllers
0:59:58KNF Newsletter- Food Tacos- find it at
1:03:21Noah getting his arc togehter
1:04:22raspberry pie- ESP 8266 for temperature probes for IMO
1:06:44sponsored by PureKNF Foundation- find all episodes under Office Hours; can search by topic; also thanks to Goofman
1:09:04Long Live the Natural Farmer