Office Hours โ€“ Dr. Drake โ€“ Jan 30, 2022

0:00Intro and Welcome
1:49I Ching Reading: Ta’i / Peace
3:37Cho philosophy – sun, water, & wind (the basics)
7:23How do i convert my 120 acre land to KNF? starting from wasteland
8:55Result of the “Green Revolution”; exploitive ag, mining the soil
11:56“Every farm has to have a bottomline”: cash crop; market; understanding cost analysis
16:42using indidgenous plants to create onsite fertilizer
17:22KNF e-book;; what to do with crop waste
18:49How to KNF chickens: ensiling food onsite; pastered chicken wagon for remediation; protecting from predators; solutions
21:38If trying to convert to knf / remediate 120 acres USE THIS RECIPE: cheap microbes. + organic matter, biochar
24:069 vital solutions & tools to restore ecosystem soil biome; the acronyms & simplified names
25:57“i used cinnamon, garlic, & ginger but couldn’t get all the ingredients so added antipathogenic & medicinal plants..”
27:31IMO4 what much per acre
28:03how to prepare the soil; converting meadow land into orchard. when to apply IMO4. soil foundation
30:30should i apply IMO5 instead of IMO4 to enrich the soil? IMO4=ADAPTED IMO – IMO5=FERMENTED MIXED COMPOST
32:11is it better to make liquid IMO for large scale?
33:28when is the best time to transplant? rainy season or after? bio char
33:58soil foundation; weeds growing in the area you prepared; beneficial ground cover; mulch & cardboard layering
35:03KNF paradise; Mexico; permaculture & KNF combined; benefiting the whole planet
36:16paddock animals; intensive grazing concentrating manure with IMOs; cheap microbe solutions with drench tec; improve grass quality
37:30A+ Seed IMO (IMO#1) collection
38:10mulching with pine; where to mulch around a tree
41:18integrating cash crops with other plants; marijuana as the gate way plant to farming
42:11Steve Dred’s Aquaponics conference; Dragonfly Earthmedicine
43:23do you foliar feed all the way through flowering? knf formulas; solutions app calculator
44:05natural farming book; KNF growth formulas & chart for plant life cycle
46:38would juniper wood we suitable for deep litter system? materials used in a no-smell pig pen floor
47:52IMOs dissolving/”mining” minerals, sand, silt, clay. spraying, watering, drenching solutions & building soil with exudates
51:12ground breaking: using a machine to shape beds; black plastic/tarp, cardboard; soil foundation; no-till
53:06chisel plow; seawater; calcium; minerals; flocculation; knfProtectors; build soil texture; bottomline
54:51pigs for tilling
55:18East coast KNF instructors; online directory of Pure KNF certified teachers
56:25remote certification; learning series & book; building a network of teachers
59:03“Is it possible to cure a soil effected by bacteria wilt using IMO4?” LAB. bringing soil to balance
1:00:53Pure KNF Foundation;; office hour archive; downloaded book