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1 vote

When making KNF Fuel, if you start with bad fish, it’s like they say, bad fish.

If you study a good batch of KNF Fuel you will find that it is predominantly KNF Police that are preserving the solution. This is not to say that there are not other microbes doing their work to break down and disassemble the amino acids, but if other microbes get in there first and the KNF Police are unable to get dominance because of that, it’s best to start over.

The solutions you have tried to rectify it are exactly what I would recommend to try to fix the situation. The one last suggestion is to make sure all the fish is submerged below the liquid layer or covered entirely with sugar so there is no air exposure. In this anaerobic environment at room temperatures the KNF Police will have the environmental conditions in their favor and maybe be able to quell the riot.

Your nose knows though. If the smell is like rotting flesh, the KNF Police are not in charge and your body is warning you of high pathogens present and metabolizing the system. Masking this scent with other things like wood chips is just that, a mask. The face behind it needs to be transformed.

Under no circumstances put this in your body, unless somehow the scent turns to sweet, and I mean sweet, fish sauce. I’d wait at least 6 months with this batch, and if you can’t rectify the rotting smell in the next week, perhaps just put it away and smell it then. No sense throwing it out unless you live in a tiny home.

If you do go to throw it out, put it into a large compost pile and let the thermophilic microbes do their decomposing magic. Kill it with fire as they say.

  • drake answered 6 years ago
1 vote
In reply to: Knf calculator

Every time you water these rates and formulations can be used.

Most folks do it once or twice a week, and it depends on your cost to benefit ratio. For a large parcel like an orchard, it may be largely infeasible to apply these that frequently.

However, if you are doing a small operation on a high value crop, or you have automation to put these into fertigation, then the ease and simplicity makes it possible to apply every time.

The only way to ‘overdose’ your plants is to increase the potency of the formulations, or to simply drown your plants by over application.

  • drake answered 6 years ago
1 vote
In reply to: Raw sugar

Raw sugar sometimes comes in large granules and has a hard time getting close enough to the plant’s surface to create the desired osmotic pressure. This can be overcome by grinding the sugar in some sort of contraption such as a coffee grinder without too much hassle to get the fine texture. A vitamix (or comparable) blender is also probably powerful enough and can be done in a large batch that can also reduce the tedious nature of smaller blending apparatuses.

Here is what the textbook has to say on sugars:

  • drake answered 6 years ago
1 vote
In reply to: Frozen KNF Food

This isn’t from a KNF source but Viktor Shauberger’s work with water heavily revolves around the “anomaly point” of water which is +4 degrees celcius or 39.2 degrees farenheit. This is the point where water is it’s densest, most capable of carrying nutrients, and highest in what Schauberger described as carbonic acid and “carbones” or “mother substances”. According to his theory, when a body of water has its temperature approaching this anomally point it increases how much mineral and “carbone” substances it will hold, maintains its carrying capacity as long as its temperature is stable and decreases as the water’s temperature is moving away from the anomaly point. These are each called positive, neutral, and negative temperature gradients respectively. On the other hand the opposite happens for what is called “aggravated” oxygen as the water is exposed to heat, which acclerates decomposition and promotes potential pathogens. The problem you may run into with freezing FPJ is as it freezes it may precipitate previously dissolved nutrients, enzymes, yeasts, etc. This might leave you with a really diluted frozen water and a super concentrated syrup of sugar that may not dissolve properly without warming the solution which would then most likely totally poop on your FPJ shelf life after that. But then again we can’t know for sure until we try.

1 vote
In reply to: Straining FAA

I don’t recommend mixing it with water and then storing it. A possible solution is to mix a bit of alcohol in there and then later leave it open so it will evaporate off. Would have to use some high proof alcohol though.

Another solution is to just treat it as a solid and use a fine mesh or bubble bag and kind of massage it into the water you will be using it with.

I have witnessed this before happening to other people, but never had it happen with any batches I have made. Perhaps it is because I keep it fermenting in a sealed container where there is not much chance for evaporation?

  • drake answered 6 years ago
1 vote
In reply to: Straining FAA

Thanks Bro, much appreciated.

wSo would you recommend to seal the container after the initial 7 days or so?

1 vote

From what I have empirical evidence for, it lasts about 3 months in the fridge without supersaturation. With super saturation in the fridge it can last many years.

The smell and taste are the best tell tales without a microscope. If you do have a microscope staining the lab and looking at them is an easy way to count the populations.

  • drake answered 6 years ago
1 vote
In reply to: Ffj use in cannabis

I’m no expert but it’s my understanding as from Chris trump that you use WCAP for transitional phase with and fpj high in phosphoric acid or flowering hormones like flower fpj or unripe green fruit, as the plant gets further along into flower and fruit you transition to using WCA and towards the end you use a ripe “ffj” full of ripening hormones and mature plant sugars  along with WCA to really harden and finish off your fruit or bud, that’s how it is to my understanding

1 vote
You can use plain oats for like oatmeal or oat brand in place of mill run. It Cooks hotter, faster, and needs to be turned more often, but the fungal goods take to it like flies do to shit. 🙂
1 vote

All of the information that you need to grow cannabis is given in Drake’s and Chris’s videos.  Don’t over think it, it is as simple as you think it is. And it works.

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