Posts by dagoofman

3 votes

the main thing to think of is u want Carbs and Carbon at a 50/50 to 60/40 ratio to make IMO3 the Carbs r food the Carbon is the hotel if u think of it like this u will find 100s of alternatives and the ones that r cheapest or even better free are the best to use for u – one of the greatest ideas of natural farming is the ingredients r not really specific its use what u have – chris trump uses nut shells and nut left over from his nut farm drake iv seen use grain and wood chips iv most recently used cracked corn and grains (old chicken feed from a friend) and hardwood lump charcoal ( for my BBQ ) its about remembering Carbs n Carbon and use what u got

2 votes

no – if super saturated it can be stored in a cool dark place all KNF solutions are shelf stable – if unsaturated with brown sugar then yes store in fridge

KNF is about global natural farming and not all places have access to refrigeration so Master Cho developed his process so that it would work anywhere on the planet so that it could be available for everyone to use

i store all my solutions in a tote on a closed front porch yr around i live in the NE USA we can get highs of 98f in the summer and lows of -15f in winter, Drake is in Hawaii i believe he keeps all his in a poll barn shed thing outside

Happy Experimenting

2 votes
In reply to: Chicken Amino Acids

Great use of the toss away you could just throw everything in a bucket and layer with sugar as you go fill 2/3 full could add a rock to help hold everything down add a airtight lid put it in a cool dark place and forget about it for 6-8 months or longer (the longer it sits the better it will be) ….i would not recommend ingesting raw chicken so refrain from tasting it and use your nose for testing (the nose knows)


Happy Experimenting

2 votes
In reply to: JMS

It is best to only use the worker microbes that is when the JMS is at its peak and the best to be used in our gardens to spread the right microbes into the soil ( :waving hand: these are the droids you are looking for ) the fertilizer microbes are more the after thought of when the JMS has been left to long and is not the peak we are looking for but are not useless and can still be used to do something in our gardens by feeding the good microbes


May The Force Be With You

1 vote
In reply to: BRV ingredients

Chris Trump has talked about making vinegar from FPJ there is a how to vid  also in his FPJ vid on banana flowers he talks of making vinegar from it, its kinda a FFJ also so id think either would work fine

1 vote
In reply to: KNF in Canada

i would think if u harvested local microbes they would be fine they have been living in the soil for 1000’s of yrs  in a since it is the whole point of collecting Indigenous MicroOrganisms  is to collect the strongest healthiest microbes in your area that have been there forever building the forest floor and surviving all the harsh elements breed them and introduce them in large numbers into your soil

1 vote
In reply to: Tasting fpj

There would be many factors to look into id think comparing your diet and what nutrients u might be lacking to the plant u r fermenting and what nutrients it may hold the added microbial activity is always a plus Dr. Park says “3% of r total body weight is germs both good and bad the highest of those r lacto” Lacto is everywhere in our r air on r skin it is one of the main microbes that ferment r FPJs along with other yeasts and microbes that live on that plant to break it down it is the main reason we do not mix plants when making FPJs so that the microbes do not compete also it could be a sugar high from the FPJ especially if u do not have a lot of sugar in your diet and as long as u used edible plants to make the FPJ there should be no bad juju i hope this may help u look into more aspects to find answers

KNF is all about the health and love of not only your plants and animals but yourself the health and love put into it is adsorbed back as energy and it excites me to continue forward when i hear story’s like this thank you

1 vote
In reply to: Bio char

iv had very good results with taking a old leaky bucket putting hardwood lump char in it and pouring unused JMS in there it leaks out slow i also use the bucket as a boys room in the garden after a few weeks of this i get really good growth on the char to add into the garden

1 vote
In reply to: White mold on FAA

a lil white mold is fine as long as theres not a rotting smell or black or green mold… a lot of fermentations get a bit of white mold its mostly yeast from what i am to understand and id guess they r feeding on the oils floating on top iv noticed if i put a lot of garlic in a batch of pickles or something the oil floats up and white mold will grow on it sometimes …. if u wanted to u could spoon it off or just mix it in the LAB in there breaking down the fish should take care of it

1 vote
In reply to: LAB gone bad

iv had some green & white molds but never like a black mold would recommend carefully removing the curd from the whey then smell the whey ….is it rotten ..bad juju …does it smell fine .. should be ok trust your nose it will tell u if its bad or not the only other concern i would think would be the amount of microbes u r harvesting the longer it set as the microbes feed the more that would have died off as the food ran out but id say as long as its not rotten it’s fine LAB is really hardy and will beat out most bad juju as long as there’s enough food and if all else fails compost it nature will make it great food in time

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