Posts by dagoofman

1 vote

when watering new plants FAA is a nitrogen source not something a starting plant needs to much nitrogen could cause burning in the new starts what u need at first is high root development the WCAP and growth hormones from the FPJ is what is needed no nitrogen is needed till the first set of true leaves has come in and even at that point only very little is needed at first …….but as a seed soak u would use OHN BRV FPJ LAB FAA WCAP SW if u r missing a couple its not the end of the world remember in KNF there’s a 40% leeway window over or under…..also if u dont have it theres a really good free chart at the KNF site thats the CHO Nutritive Recipes good info to keep

1 vote
In reply to: OHN question from book

I have seen no justification for the recent attempted modification of the recipe from 2/3 to 1/3.……. Folks may have individually practical concerns such as affordability, as the original recipe calls for more alcohol which carries significant cost, but this is weighed against the volume of KNF Medicine rendered per usage of herbs which is significantly greater. Individual variance should be allowed as necessary, but the whole recipe should not be changed by any other reason than proven effectiveness.

so what Drake is saying is the OG recipe calls for more alcohol so the 1/3 from large vessel then 2/3 alcohol is the correct way due to the greater tincture of the herbs from more alcohol

on a personal note when i made my OHN to avoid the confusion i just went 50/50 Drake says theres a 40% leeway in KNF both +/- so over 1/3 under 2/3 …. 50/50 just sounded like the way to go

1 vote
In reply to: Biocharging with KNF

i use leaky buckets for biochar charging and i just dump left over JMS left over KNF solutions even use it as a lil boys room the leak in the bucket keeps it from going foul smelling but lets it set in the liquid for a bit b4 it all leaks out and its a good way to reuse a old bucket as for the anaerobic Jadam is based on anaerobes buckets of foul smelling swamps that u feed to the plants the plants dont care what it smells like =)



1 vote

to the question is it ok that theres a bit of chicken in your FFA mix – yes its fine its not gonna hurt anything



1 vote
In reply to: BRV substitute

yes ACV is fine if u r using it in a spray solution i do advice getting a live vinegar but its not necessary if u r making WCA or WCAP use a pasteurized vinegar u can even use white vin in WCA & WCAP ….all ratios r the same

1 vote

i think this would be best used in a IMO5 not a IMO3 the spent grain has all ready had its starches/sugars removed by the yeast its at this point just more of a organic materiel in the garden terms a green a good source of nitrogen as u said and it would have a 100 uses in the garden but in KNF/Jadam terms i think its best use would be IMO5 and JLF (thanks for the idea also now im going to go looking for a local brewery around here to see if i can get some myself)

1 vote
In reply to: Pre mix KNF solution

u would not want to pre mix LAB or FAA but the base mix/maintenance spray can be pre mixed OHN FPJ BRV WCAP then added/used at 25ML/gal as the base for the sprays

1 vote

iv been using hand pumps and hose end sprayers and never had a issue with the sprays the salt water is very diluted even in the soil soak …iv had copper soap and neem oils clog my sprayers in the past… i just got this yr a electric hand sprayer from SunJoe that im using the KNF solutions in this yr and retiring the old one to IPM sprays so i dont worry about clogging my new sprayer  i know drake uses a large pump sprayer on his farm attached to the back of a car he mentions what brand he is using in a few vids but i cant remember but i would think anything rated for fertilizer spraying would be ok they would be tested to run salts and harsh chems like MGrow through them just fine so the KNF solutions r like water compared to that sort of stuff when it comes to the sprayer

1 vote
In reply to: FAA

fermenting them twice i would think not through the first ferment we r collecting id guess 70-80% or so of the amino acid it would probably be ok to add the left overs to a new batch and let them continue to break down but would best be used in the hugel or compost and let nature break down all that big stuff the bugs n what not will break it down much faster


Happy Experimenting

1 vote
In reply to: knf indoor

this is fully dependent on how you want to grow, if you where wanting to go with a more hydroponics way (like flow through) the solutions are water soluble IMOs can be used in liquid form, if you are looking for more a living soil type system then adding amendments and IMOs to the mix is fine (IMOs should be used as a top dress here) there is no rule that says we cant put whatever we want in the soil, think of it like a food bank for the microbes ….KNF solutions are always best used as a foliar spray but drenching is also fine ….this is one of the greatest things about Natural Farming it can be adapted to many ways from large commercial scale all the way down to a plant growing on the window seal, in the most high tech grow facility to the the most basic backyard garden


Happy Experimenting

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