Posts by drake

1 vote
In reply to: Raw sugar

Raw sugar sometimes comes in large granules and has a hard time getting close enough to the plant’s surface to create the desired osmotic pressure. This can be overcome by grinding the sugar in some sort of contraption such as a coffee grinder without too much hassle to get the fine texture. A vitamix (or comparable) blender is also probably powerful enough and can be done in a large batch that can also reduce the tedious nature of smaller blending apparatuses.

Here is what the textbook has to say on sugars:

  • drake answered 6 years ago
1 vote
In reply to: Straining FAA

I don’t recommend mixing it with water and then storing it. A possible solution is to mix a bit of alcohol in there and then later leave it open so it will evaporate off. Would have to use some high proof alcohol though.

Another solution is to just treat it as a solid and use a fine mesh or bubble bag and kind of massage it into the water you will be using it with.

I have witnessed this before happening to other people, but never had it happen with any batches I have made. Perhaps it is because I keep it fermenting in a sealed container where there is not much chance for evaporation?

  • drake answered 6 years ago
1 vote

From what I have empirical evidence for, it lasts about 3 months in the fridge without supersaturation. With super saturation in the fridge it can last many years.

The smell and taste are the best tell tales without a microscope. If you do have a microscope staining the lab and looking at them is an easy way to count the populations.

  • drake answered 6 years ago
1 vote

White mold growing on top is a sign it is done. I hope you poured it off.

If mold is growing after you pour it off, most likely you need to supersaturate it.

  • drake answered 5 years ago
1 vote
In reply to: Charring bones for WCP

It is possible to burn them on a propane grill. The ideal way is to put them in some sort of column with the heat source at the bottom so they are able to completely char. When the smoke turns clear the process is complete. Remove and extinguish the Bones.

  • drake answered 4 years ago
1 vote
In reply to: Lacto Life

Salt and brown rice will change the colonies of LAB that colonize the nutrients. The white rice method of Master Cho is designed to catch a broad family of Lacto.

  • drake answered 4 years ago
1 vote

Water should not be added to this mixture.

Just equal weight of sugar and fish is sufficient.

  • drake answered 4 years ago
1 vote

short answer: no. 40-50s is fine.

longer answer: the best time to gather material is in spring. based on where you are, it can be quite chilly in the morning, but this should not have a drastic effect on the fermented plant juice. remember, these recipes come from japan and korea, where it is quite cold, so you will be fine.

temperature does however have a more drastic effect on supersaturation, and more sugar should be added.

  • drake answered 4 years ago
1 vote

After pouring them off, supersaturate them, and store them in a clean container in a cool place out of the sun.

  • drake answered 3 years ago
1 vote

The initial reaction is quite explosive, so I recommend only adding a little vinegar to avoid having it spill over. After an hour or so, the reaction will slow, so then add the rest of the vinegar to get it to 1:10 ratio by weight. This reaction is rather quick, and will be complete in 3-5 days. The way to know it is done is by tasting it, and when the vinegar bite is gone, it is done.

What you describe is normal in practice.

  • drake answered 3 years ago
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